Posted in Thursday Thoughts Blog Series

Thursday Thoughts: Words of Grace

Dear God,

Where do I begin to offer my thanks for all you have done for me? It makes sense for me to start at the cross…for there would be no more to my story (or your story) without your sacrifice at the cross. Thank you! What a blessing my family has been to me since I was a little girl. I am so thankful to have a loving Mom and Dad who support me and a brother and sister who I can lovingly call friends! In exactly 5 days, I will be celebrating my 8th wedding anniversary to the best husband and friend a girl could ever ask for! Thank you for two amazingly smart, funny, and endearing little boys who always are good for laughs, smiles, and cuddles! Thank you for loving in-laws and great friends.

I know I want to thank you for the hard times and challenging times throughout the years, too. It has been through these trials that I have had to completely rely on you. These times have shaped my faith and my character. Thank you for the activities from youth camps to mission projects that I have been involved in that have given me glimpses of your glory. Thank you for the gifts and talents you have blessed me with and for the patience afforded me as I stumble through your perfect will for my life.

God, thank you for desiring to create us…your children. Thank you for a beautiful world where we can see your handiwork. Thank you for never giving up on me! I love you!

 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.    ~ Psalm 139:14



Take your thank you note and verbally (or by typing) thank the people you mentioned as blessings in your life this week!


~ Tiffany Moore

Posted in Thursday Thoughts Blog Series

Thursday Thoughts: Words of Grace

One of the great prophets of Israel was Elijah. He boldly preached God’s word to some very hard-headed and hard-hearted kings and queens. However, the faith that he demonstrated toward the call God placed on his Grace-Filled life stands as a testimony to all of us. I Kings 17:9-16 tells Elijah’s interactions with the widow from Zarephath. God had revealed to Elijah that his physical need for food and drink would be met by this woman.


The drought was taking its toll on the land. The widow was in the midst of preparing a final meal for herself and her son with the small amount of remaining flour and oil that she had. Elijah encouraged her to bravely do as he asked – to prepare a meal for herself, her son, and for him. Because of her faithfulness, a sustaining blessing was bestowed on her by Elijah. Before he departed, he promised that her supplies of flour and oil would not be depleted until rains fell on the earth once more. The widow and her son would not go hungry!


The widow’s faith in God’s providence brought not only a blessing of food but a sustaining blessing of food that would not run out. Her willingness to put aside the needs of herself and her family resulted in abundant blessings. God continues to bless his children today who live and minster based on faith.



Who or what is a sustaining blessing in your life? Is it a friend who continues to pray for you? Is it a parent who provides the support you need at various stages of your life? Is it a job that allows you to meet your physical needs? Examine your life this week and identify your sustaining blessing….if possible, show your appreciation!


~Tiffany Moore

Posted in Thursday Thoughts Blog Series

Thursday Thoughts: Words of Grace

It is amazing to see the evidence of an individual living a Grace-Filled life behind the cross. It is an even greater blessing to see the evidence in the life of your friends. In just a few days my good friend, Margaret Pfaff, will leave for a mission trip to Moldova. I didn’t even know this country existed until two years ago when she went on her second mission trip there. Just so you will be smarter than I was, the country of Moldova is in Eastern Europe and used to be part of Russia and is known for farming. Margaret is literally following the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 when Jesus told his disciples that 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Short-term mission trips, like Margaret’s to Moldova, are amazing ways for individuals to minister to people in different countries and cultures.  While in Moldova two years ago, she was able to share God’s love with four orphan boys named Stefan, Mihai, Iulian, and Sergiu. In one week’s time, Margaret will once again get to see the boys she so loved as she taught them about Jesus. Now they are all teenagers and still involved in church! Hope Hill Church and FBC’s Early Learning Center Camps are currently helping to collect new Sunday clothes for the boys. Some of your hands may be actively helping Margaret to minister on her trip…what an Amazing God We Serve! On her last trip to Moldova, Margaret met a 12 year old girl named Laurissa who bullied other children and did not often engage in conversations. All week Margaret and her team demonstrated grace to Laurissa by loving her, praying for her, and telling her about Jesus. By the end of the week, Laurissa had started to pray to Jesus, pray with others, and began to treat others nicer.

This summer the Moldovan orphans, gypsies, and others will be greatly blessed by Margaret’s willingness to obey Jesus’ call for her to serve as a short-term missionary. It is often a large commitment, both financial and time, on the part of the short-term missionary to travel overseas yet it is also a time of great personal blessings.  Margaret was able to experience God’s hand moving and working up close and personal! She was able to share the love of Jesus with children and adults and was blessed to see them respond. Perhaps God is calling you and your family to serve as short term missionaries or calling you to minister to a friend, neighbor, or family member. Oh, What A Mighty God We Serve!



Pray for Margaret and her mission trip to Moldova. Pray that she will impact all she comes in to contact with in a mighty for God. Pray that she will see lives changed by the redemptive grace-filled message of the cross.  


– Tiffany Moore



Posted in Thursday Thoughts Blog Series

Thursday Thoughts: Words of Grace

July 4, 2013

The United States of America is an amazing country in which to live!  It is a land where education is available to all and a land in which one may worship freely… Hopefully worshiping Jesus Christ, the one true God! The USA is a civilized land with expected rules and ways of acting however it would still be a strange land with unfamiliar customs, food, language, and people for someone coming from another country. People willingly come from other countries to make the United States their home for a variety of reasons; Reasons such as love, new opportunities, marriage, and hope to name a few.

In the country of Moab in Old Testament times, Ruth had grown up, married, loved, and buried her husband. Following her husband’s death and burial, Ruth abandoned her homeland of Moab for Judah, the country of her husband’s birth. Bonds of family seen with her mother-in-law Naomi and the love of her late husband spurred her to follow Naomi to Judah. Historically, Moab religion worshiped many gods… Not the one true God. However, Ruth learned to love God (the one true God) because of the actions of her late husband and her mother-in law. Through their actions Ruth came to understood God’s Grace.

Read Ruth 1:16-18. What does Ruth’s response to Naomi show you about her character?  Are you having the type of impact on the unbelieving people in your family that Naomi had on Ruth? Are you willing to give up your homeland and other things if God asks?


– Tiffany Moore

Posted in Thursday Thoughts Blog Series

Thursday Thoughts: Words of Grace

I have spent all week at the Colossal Coaster World VBS Theme Park and oh, what a wonderful week it has been! It has truly been an amazing journey of Grace. The kiddos are learning about Paul…You should know his story if you read this blog on June 6 or if you happened to miss the blog you probably have read about him in the New Testament. Through his life story the kids are learning to Dare to Change their behaviors and beliefs, Dare to Speak Up about their faith in Christ, Dare to Believe God’s gift of salvation, Dare to Stand Strong in the midst of life trials, and Dare to Trust in the Lord and His promises.

Our VBS scripture is found in 2 Timothy 1:7 and reads “For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” Some of the the preteen VBSers have already responded to the gospel presentation. Some of them are now standing fearlessly behind the cross…ready to begin a new Grace-filled life. This morning as you are reading this, Pastor Ray will be speaking to the first through fourth graders about God’s gift of salvation made available through Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross. The VBSers will also be participating in a mission project on Friday to stuff book bags with back to school supplies for the A.C.T.S. shelters and the orphans in the Dominican Republic. They are raising money to help buy food for families in the Dominican Republic as well as buying rubber gloves for hospital sterilization. These kids are learning how to put their love of Jesus in to action through their mission projects. It does this heart good to see these children get excited about sharing the love of Christ with others!



Pray for the kids at VBS this week. Pray that they will hear God’s message of Grace and it will take a hold of their little hearts. Pray that the adults that serve will be blessed as much as the children that attend. 


` Tiffany Moore