Posted in Holiday/Seasonal, Thanksgiving

Thirty Days – Day 12

As I sit here at my desk watching snowflakes fall from a gray sky amidst the gorgeous color of the fall leaves, I cannot help but think of the changes that are coming. Soon the beautiful colors will fade into the bleak wintry haze of winter. But even in that I know more change will follow – because the gray skies of winter give way to the fresh green buds of spring alive with new life!

Just last week daylight savings was observed across the country and the footprint of my entire day was changed. Suddenly my morning was filled with light. My evenings were darker and blacker and came upon me all too quickly.

Change is inevitable.

Change is all around us.

Change is a part of life. Nothing stays the same forever.

Well, almost nothing.

There is One that remains the same.

“For I the Lord do not change …”

Malachi 3:6a

The Lord our God is immutable.

Not only does He not change – but He is incapable of change.

Thank you God for Your unwavering resolve. For being our one true north. For your resolute foundation.

You do not change.

Which means that we can trust wholeheartedly in Your Word. There is no shifting of sand. No being tossed by the wind.

You are Who you are.

How have you experienced God’s unchanging nature in your life?

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